How to Make Your Vision Board

Vision Boards or Dream Boards are a great tool to help bridge the gap between the ideas in our head and what’s actually on paper. It’s true….a picture is worth a thousand words. This is the opportunity to capture your ideas before they are lost forever. Creating a Vision Board can confirm or solidify your thoughts in any area of your life. For our purposes, we’ll use them for defining a children’s wear career and a business you love.

One of the most common methods for creating a vision board starts with a large presentation  board or foam core board where you cut and paste a collage of photos and phrases. This is a physical expression of ideas that you want to bring to life.

There are a few methods of bringing your vision board to life; some use a “copy and paste” method on your computer or a true “cut and paste” method using magazines, scissors and glue.

Canva, my favorite graphic design site, also has a “collage” feature to achieve similar results. Whichever method you choose, create a overlapping sections across the board in an orderly fashion. You may want to place your BIG IDEA in the center with related ideas extending outward like a fan or start from the top down and expand vertically. Experiment with the layout you prefer best. Add text to describe your future vision and color for emotional impact. 

Be sure to choose images of what success looks like for you; the dream business or product, the dream team, the dream house or car, the dream vacation, what financial freedom, being your own boss, or what goals have the most meaning for your future. Place the board in a prominent place where you will see it every day to remind you of your goals. Add to your dream board as needed. There are templates and printables online that are free and will do the job nicely to get you started.

Check out the app “Sparkello” – a handy vision board app for your phone or computer. It comes with preinstalled templates that will “Spark” your ideas into reality. You can organize and display your dreams, upload your own photos, add notes and set dates to accomplish your goals.

Having your goals close at hand will motivate you and keep you focused on the BIG goals in your life.