How Your Sewn Product Can Impact the World

There’s nothing more exciting than to see a product idea come to life! Sketches, samples, prototypes and finally the finished product packaged and ready to ship. Your website is up, the gallery pages are filled with product and your shopping cart is ready to take orders. It seems so simple, yet the path to a finished sewn product can be illusive. I intend to take the mystery out of how it’s done and invite you to take the journey with us during the Create Your Sewn Product workshop.

If you have a sewn product idea that you are ready to develop or wonder where to begin, the Children’s Wear Design Academy programs will show you how you get from concept to completion. Some of the first steps on that journey will be asking yourself all about the BIG GOALS and getting clear on the “Who, What, Where, When and Why”. We take a deeper dive into all these aspects during the workshop.

First let’s look at WHY your product would benefit the world. The greatest gift is to know that your product will be making an impact in someone’s life. Imagine being the recipient of this great new idea and your mission is to create it. Most people discard these ideas as random thoughts or come up with all kinds of reasons why they can’t do this. But, did you know that if you take a second look and evaluate the idea closely you may find that the global impact is greater than you imagined.  Did you know that your product could solve a nagging problem, give joy, keep someone warm, protect a child, help heal or save a life?

Whatever the outcome, sewn products play a very important role in how we live our lives. Some sewn products are so essential that today we give little thought to how they were created. Besides clothing there are multitudes of industries that produce sewn products that impact our lives: automotive and transportation, medical and dental, travel and leisure, home decorating, furniture and home products-indoor and outdoor, baby products and baby carriers, educational products, gardening, cooking, outdoor activities such as golf, running, hiking, cycling and camping; extreme sports, entertainment, theatre and costumes, telecommunications and computer, boating, aviation and on and on. Can you see the implications and the needs of the people who participate in these industries?

But, what if you had a need and no one was producing it and after searching online (and the planet) you found it didn’t exist? Or what if you found a product that was ill-fitting, in the wrong color, wrong fabric or it never lived up to it’s promises? I’ve met very creative people who have taken desperate measures to make crudely constructed products that were duct-taped, stapled and glued to demonstrate their product idea. I must say their ingenuity and determination have produced transformations that have been the most exciting and rewarding before and after projects!

Are you looking for direction on how to get started?

If you are ready to join us for the FREE online video workshop, you can learn more HERE.